A letter from Pastor Ronnie to Out Of The Box WC – March 17th, 2013

Circling the Bible

It was a great day of worship at OOTBWC. It was great be back after the emergency that took me out of the pulpit last Sunday. Just goes to show that sometimes God interrupts our plans. Thank you all again for all the prayers and inquires about how Kevin is doing, and by the way, he is doing great and is healing well.

Just a few things that I want to remind you of as we pray this week.

#1. God wants to hear from us. As a father, I can say the greatest thing in the world for me is to spend time with my children.

#2. God always answers our prayers. It may be yes, no, or wait. God tells us over and over to “What on the Lord.”

#3. God has given us props, visuals, reminders, to help us stay focused and on track. Use the props!

#4. Never give up, if the Israelites had stopped on the 6th day, the promise would have never been fulfilled.

#5. Circle your dreams for your church these next 21 days.

#6. Circle your dreams for your family and friends.

#7. Circle your dreams for your relationship between you and God. Matter of fact, if you focus on this one, the others will be much clearer.

The music was outstanding as always. The group led by Craig Vaughn did an awesome job.

Follow this link to hear the Doobie Brothers in worship at OOTBWC https://socialcam.com/v/keYdY1ch?autostart=true&facebook=true

It is an awesome honor and privilege leading and being the pastor of such an OUTSTANDING group of people. You keep me running after God!

Pastor Ronnie

Ronnie Circle Maker Kneeling


Circling the arm

One comment on “A letter from Pastor Ronnie to Out Of The Box WC – March 17th, 2013

  1. March 18, 2013 Gator King

    When I got to the gym this morning ,there was Nichole Burcham jogging away on the treadmill with her rope around her neck. Love it!!


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