Today was an AWESOME day. We have prayed and worked and we are now doing 3 Sunday morning services. I will be the first to admit that it would be easier to do two or even one in a larger facility but for now we are doing what we can to reach the unchurched in the facility that we have and we are thankful. 266 people were in worship today at OOTBWC, so many more than we could have imagined just 2.5 years ago.
What is God going to do next? I just believe that He is going to continue changing lives. We are seeing it happen, people are finding freedom in Christ while falling in love with Him more. Just something to remember, Freedom brings obedience to Christ, obedience never brings freedom. It’s about relationship.
Today we started a new series, “Myths and Lies.” We are going to spend some time meeting head on some of the questions people have regarding what is true and what is a myth. There is still time to get your questions in if there is a burning question you have had on your mind for a long time, feel free to ask anonymously.
The music was over the top as always, thank you to the praise team, you work so hard to make every Sunday an experience to remember. Today the praise team reminded us that shoes are optional.
Thank you to the ones who are so dedicated to lead our children. There were a BUNCH of little ones running around OOTBWC today. The number is growing every week, wow. Several of the kids moved up to new grade levels today. By the way, how did you like the Snow Cones?
Just a few things to remember from the message today.
We need to be good students of God’s Word.
We need to run the race as though we are running to win a prize because we are. It isn’t a race against our brothers and sisters, it is a race against the schemes of satan. Jesus already won the war but were still in the battle, run with the assurance that you can’t lose.
God doesn’t use good people, God uses His people.
Hell is a real place that many people choose to go to.
Tattoo’s are not forbidden for all time in scripture. Keep it in context.
You don’t have to dress up to go to church. Jesus didn’t even have the best.
Heaven is not going to be boring.
Everybody isn’t going to heaven.
There is only one way to heaven. Jesus said so.
Bibles will burn. But I wouldn’t want to burn one.
Cleanliness is not next to Godliness.
Drinking alcohol is not forbidden in scripture but being drunk is. The use of alcohol ruins a lot of lives and not just of the ones who drink.
Nose rings are not forbidden in Scripture and God describes Israel as a beautiful woman with a ring in her nose. God said it, not me.
Interracial marriage on not forbidden in scripture. Moses was married to a black woman and God wasn’t mad. God says we are not to marry someone who doesn’t believe in our God.
God will allow more in your life than you can handle. He will help you carry the load.
God never promises to give you everything you want.
Jesus plus nothing gets you to heaven.
Jesus never said invite me into your heart. Jesus said “Follow Me.”
Christians are not perfect, Jesus is and Jesus is our advocate. When we do sin, Jesus has our back. By the way, that’s not a license to sin, it is the gift of Grace.
One last thing, remember that your pastor was biblically dressed today.
Sandals, Carpenter Jeans, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captain America.
Fight the good fight!
Pastor Ronnie