The Gift of Giving

Dear Ronnie,

With the holidays upon us, Jim Fay is reminded of a story a mother told him many years ago. It is a great example of how to use the holidays as learning opportunities for your kids.

The Gift of Giving While at the bank a mother overheard the manager talking about a project his staff was involved in. They were collecting gifts for children in the community who, without their help, would not receive anything. So far they were not doing too well. The mother asked what she could do to help.

At dinner she told her family about the project. With pure excitement her kids said that since they had outgrown their bikes, and were hoping for new ones from Santa, they could give their old bikes to these children.

That weekend the kids spent hours cleaning their bikes. By the time they were done, those bikes sparkled.

They delivered the bikes Monday and the look of pure joy on her children’s faces made Mom’s heart swell. That day they gave her a gift, too: the knowledge that she was raising kids who cared.

The holidays are a good time to remind your kids that character is more about giving than receiving.

Thanks for reading!
Jim Fay

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