American Electric Power and more Rate Increases

My most recent power bill has increased more than $100.00 form the previous month. Amazing, in a time when people are losing their jobs by the thousands every day, people are still trying to break the bank.

How long will America stand for Corporate Executives making multi – million dollar salaries with benefits and perks every year while the majority struggle to pay their bills each week? 


Across Virginia – Appalachian Power customers, your rates are changing once again. The Virginia State Corporation Commission approved the new rate Wednesday. It goes into effect immediately. Here’s a look at the changes.


For the average customer using a-thousand kilowatts, their October bill would’ve been around $77.  After the interim increase, it would’ve been around $94. Wednesday’s adjusted rate will bring that bill down to $90.53.


You’ll get a credit for the difference on your bill in the next two months.

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