2009 Holston Annual Conference Denman Awards

I had the awesome priviledge of announcing the Denman Evangelsim Awards today at Holston Annual Conference. The awards went to the following people.

Clergy: Rev. Brian Taylor, Pastor of Muncy Memorial UMC, Johnson City District

Laity: Bob and Judy Cavanah, White Pine UMC, Morristown District

Youth: Laura Holderfield, Hillsville First UMC, Wytheville District


The Harry Denman Evangelism Award

Begun in 1981 to honor United Methodist clergy and lay persons in each annual conference who exhibit unusual and outstanding efforts for the work on Christian Evangelism, the Harry Denman Evangelism Award helps draw attention to evangelism in your conference by honoring one clergy person and one lay person who are reaching others effectively for Christ.

Those eligible for these prestigious awards are persons who are effective in helping persons to experience the transforming love of God through Jesus Christ.  Each annual conference is encouraged to honor one lay person and one clergy person from their conference each year.

In 2008, The Foundation for Evangelism celebrated together with 46 conferences the awarding of 94 Denman Evangelism Awards.

Here is a shot of Laura Holderfield. Laura is a youth member at the church where I am on staff.

ronnie Laura Denman

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