Texting in Church

First of all, this should say “texting while in a worship service” because “we” are the church, the body of Christ. Church is not a building but a group of people who follow Jesus Christ.

What is the purpose of a “Worship Service”?

It is to come together for the building up of the body of Christ. It is a time to share together in various ways. We typically have a sermon, several songs, prayers, testimonies, and we worship in the giving of our tithes and offering. All of these things are ways that we express to God our love and devotion to Him. However, different groups in the body of Christ do things differently. Some have no music, some have choirs, some have bands, some have only organ music. Are any of these wrong? No.

Texting is a part of our world today and it is a very important part of our world. It is likely one of the best communication tools we have ever been given to date. So, when you come to worship with us at Out of the Box Worship Center, please text and tell the world what you are learning.

Question: What if the someone is texting their boyfriend or girlfriend rather than what the preacher is talking about? That is between them and God, I’m not their mother and I really don’t care. I mean I care, I want people to listen to what is being said but the truth is, I have no control over that. People have been doodling on the backs of offering envelopes for decades. People have slept through worship services since the writing of the New Testament. People have passed notes back and forth since they could read and write.

You will not be considered disrespectful for texting in a worship service when you come to Out of the Box Worship Center. If your pastor tells you not to then respect that but when you are at OOTBWC I am blessed to see you posting what you are learning and I believe it is even a form of worship, expressing your love for God and His Word.

Pastor Ronnie

One comment on “Texting in Church

  1. July 5, 2011 godw1nz

    amen brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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