World Changers – Part 1 – John Wesley

World Changers – 1 – John Wesley 

Listen To The Sermon: Click Here 2754504

Give me ten men who hate nothing but sin and love nothing but God, and we’ll change the world.  John Wesley

Born in 1703 the 15th child in a family of 19 kids. When he was only 6 years old his house caught on fire and everyone made it out except for little John Wesley. His mother Suzanna yelled for help, someone please come help little John. Men climbed on each other’s shoulders to the 2nd floor of the house and at the last minute they pulled John out of the burning house.

Wesley’s parents said that John was a brand plucked from the burning and that God surly had something special for John to do. How right they were.

John Wesley’s ministry touched hundreds of thousands of lives and his life continues to touch and impact lives today.

John Wesley was so generous, the only things he left at the end of his life were 2 silver spoons, a silver tea kettle, a very well-worn coat, and oh yeah the entire Methodist church.


I believe that if Wesley were with us today, he would ask us… 


Wesley would say, if you have something in your life you want to do that is important, then you will have a plan for it.

Plan to get out of debt – Budget

Plan to get in shape – Go to the gym, Run, stop eating Jelly Filled Doughnuts (me)

If you would like to grow closer to Christ – then you will have a plan.

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 

1 Peter 1:15-16

In order to help in this matter Wesley started a group at Oxford University, what we would call a “Life Group”, but he called it a “Holy Club”.

They were so organized that people started to call them Bible Bangers and Methodical Ones – these were meant to make fun of them. Methodical ones then became known as Methodists and that is where the name came from, “Methodist”.

This name was originally used to make fun of people who had a radical plan for holiness. 

Wesley’s Plan Included: Every Single Day 

* Bible study and prayer.

* Strict accountability      

* Time management                  

* Sacrificial Giving 

Wesley’s day started at 4am to 5am in private prayer, 5-7 Bible Study, 8-9 Group Prayer, Noon to 4pm Bible Study again, 4-5pm Public Prayer, 5-6 Private Prayer, 6-7 he shared his faith with those who did not know Christ, 8pm met for accountability and then journaled everything that happened that day. 10pm in the bed. 

“When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.”  John Wesley

In order to change the world, we are going to have to have a plan!  

Do You Have A Plan To Become More Like Christ? 


Do you have a peace that passes understanding; do you have an assurance that you are right with God? 

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 5:1 

Justified – Just as if I had never sinned

Through – faith 

John’s dad one day asked; do you have the “inward witness”? 

That question haunted John Wesley for the longest time because he did not have that “Inward Witness” that his dad asked him about. He was a preacher, telling other people about the forgiveness of God and yet he didn’t have that peace in his own life. Maybe this is you? 

Wesley was afraid of dying because he didn’t have that inner witness.

“I went to America to convert the Indians; but O, who shall convert me?”  John Wesley 

John Wesley realized that he had a head knowledge of Jesus Christ but he wasn’t really trusting Christ. Wesley, a preacher, seminary trained, brought up in the church, didn’t trust Christ, he only knew about him.

Faith in Christ is not an emotion but has there been a time when you knew that your life has been changed?

Do you know that you know that you know that you are at peace with God? 

There came a day in Wesley’s life where he said My Heart Was Strangely Warmed and I am a different person.


Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!  1 Corinthians 9:16

Paul said, I am compelled because of what God has done in me and through me. I once was a murderer of Christians, I can’t help but preach and tell the world what God has done in my life.

Wesley preached at least 1,000 times a year for 10 years, he didn’t go from church bldg. to church bldg. in air conditioned car, he went on horseback.

They beat this guy up regularly.

Pelted him with stones while preaching. 

Threw bricks at him. 

Beat him with clubs. 

Poisoned his horses. 

Turned Oxen loose to run through meetings.

Once while preaching at a place called Bolton a crowd of about 40 people were throwing stones at Wesley and 3 of them decided to rush Wesley. As they did the 1st guy a stone just grazed his head and he saw it as a sign from God and knelt right there and repented of his sins. The 2nd guy wasn’t so lucky a stone hit him in the back of the head and knocked him out cold. The 3rd guy drew back his fist to hit Wesley 5ft2 120lbs and a stone hit him in the fist and he fell on his knees right there and got his life right with God.

God used that day as just another day in the supernatural ministry of this man to fan the flame of the fire that 300 years later is still happening as the fire and the flame of the Methodist Church. 

Wesley wrote in his journal that the miracle was not that God didn’t allow him to be harmed but the miracle was that now he was not afraid to die.  

“Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.”  John Wesley 

My heart breaks for those Christians who have been in church so long they have forgotten why they are there.

Lord have mercy on the Christian who goes to worship every Sunday but is never EXCITED!

Don’t ever forget what God has saved us from. 

Wesley was so on fire that as a priest of the church of England they closed their doors to him and said you are not welcome to preach in our churches. He went to preach at his daddy’s church and they wouldn’t allow him to preach so the people said if you will come back tonight and preach outdoors we will come. Wesley came and preached to a multitude of people standing on his daddy’s tombstone to preach.

When one gets on fire for Jesus, others get nervous. 

From that door being closed and Wesley walking through another door one of the greatest REVIVALS the world has ever seen broke out. 

“The world is my parish!”  John Wesley

Do you have a plan to become Holy?

Do you have Peace with God?

Do you have a passion to Change the World? 

Pastor Ronnie

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