Day 2 of 40 Day Fast 2012

Day number 2, an AWESOME day.

Weight 211.6 pounds (In my previous fasts, the weight loss is more dramatic in the first week)

I’m not feeling any withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine today. (eureka)

God has been opening scripture to me today. I read Genesis chapters 4 through 7 in my one year youversion reading plan and I read the book “Radical Fasting” by Dave Williams. (Blog post on the review)

I walked a prayer circle (1 mile) around my family and my church family. I laid out some very specific prayers today and there will be no mistake when God answers them that they are from Him. I am praying for a lot of people and their loved ones, this is not just about me.

I have worked from home, the church office was closed today. God has given me material for the series that I am preaching on Sunday mornings in droves today. (There’s An App For That)

Misty and I played a 2.5 hour game of scrabble, we are enjoying the time spent together. (I read sometimes because she is so into high score words)

I haven’t been hungry and in my heart I do not want to eat, however when Misty fixed dinner for the kids it smelled really good.

I still desire a closeness with God (I am seeking Him) more than I desire food.

It is amazing how much time we save and how much we can accomplish when we are not eating. I read one book today and I have gotten several pages into two others. I have spent the day with my family, did a couple of small handy man jobs at our garage, walked a mile, prayed a lot, communicated with my church family and friends on facebook and twitter, got an idea for a new ministry from one of our members, took a nap, read my bible, watched a little bit to television (news), and just had an Awesome day with the Lord, Sweet Fellowship.


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