Book Notes: The Good Life by Trip Lee


This is a book that was recently given to me as a gift and a gift it is. I was not familiar with Trip Lee but have come to really like his writing and his ability to relate truth. Trip is a Hip Hop artist and I do not typically listen to hip hop music, but I will be the first to say that he is also good in the hip hop world. Yes, I have been listening to some of his music and will share some of that with you in this post.

The book is about the “Good Life.” What exactly is the good life? Much of the world believes it is fame, fortune, luxury, and just about anything else instead of having a relationship with God that changes everything about your life and your pursuit of what the world says is this
“Good Life.”

One statement I love in this book and there are many is this, “Ferrari’s and Hyundai’s both eventually end up in the same junkyard.” 

It is a small book, 170 pages and can be read in a few hours of solid, uninterrupted reading. But it is also a book that a pastor could turn into a 4 week series called, “The Good Life.” (You may have guessed that I plan to do that)

Here are the section titles.

Section 1: What Is The Good Life?

Section 2: Keys To The Good Life

Section 3: How Do I Live The Good Life?

Section 4: What Kind Of Good Will God Give Me?

no perfect people allowed (3)

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