Book Notes: 20,000 Days And Counting by Robert D. Smith

20000 Days and Counting


Life is short. Our days are numbered. Our lives are limited. Life can pass extremely fast.

The Bible says that a person’s life is like a breath or vapor (Psalm 39:4–6).


OK, the title and purpose of this book snagged my attention really quick. I am one that is bent on making life count. I want to make a difference in the lives of  people, lots of people. I want to leave this world one day having made a major contribution and leaving it better than it was had I never lived. So, numbering our days is not only biblical, it is smart, it is wise, is helps us live our life on purpose.

Smith wrote the book after discovering one day that he had already lived 20,000 days. Do you know how many days the average man or woman will live on this earth?

Average life of humans 78 years or 28,470 days

As of today, January 15th, 2013, I have already lived 17,308 days. WOW

I plan to beat the average, I don’t like being average. However, if I live to be the average age of men today, I have 11,162 days remaining. Now, that could be depressing or it could make me want to get up each day with purpose.

Here are a few things that I took from the book, the main nugget I received being what you just read above.

Starting with some good questions each of us should ask.

“A hundred years from now, what will you have left behind? What will your legacy be?”

“What can you and I do right now in order to make the most out of the years in front of us?”

“I am always, very literally, only one step away from dying, from meeting my Creator face to face. Any moment. Any day. Anywhere.”

I like the style in which the book was written, in short chapters. I assume this is what most books will be like in the future as we are fast living in a world where people want information in 140 characters and just the facts please. If you’re interested in discovering how many days you have lived just follow this link to Robert’s website where you can find that number quickly.

It made me think and I gleaned some usable insight. A worthwhile read.

Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.

The Bible also says that life is like a shadow that only temporarily appears (Ecclesiastes 6:12).

And like a flower that flourishes then quickly withers and fades away (Job 14:2).



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