Divine Rhythm 2013 – Holston Conference UMC – Takeaways

Divine Rhythm 2013 was the best one yet and it was really great I might add. This was my 3rd year leading a group, we started with 4 the first year, about 8 the second year and 15 this year. It is my hope that we will take 30 plus in 2014. It is a really good conference, it is planned with some down time which is really good so that people can get their breath and relax a little bit. We rented a cabin this year for the first time and that worked really well, it allowed for lots of connecting time. Casey Darnell and the band did an outstanding job and the speaker this year, Olu Brown just did a fantastic job with the messages. Here are a few of the quotes that moved me this weekend.

“Don’t disqualify yourself when the Cross has counted you in.” Olu Brown

“Why are you settling for life the way it is? We serve a God who offers joy and peace.” Olu Brown

“Most people aren’t afraid to die, they’re afraid to live.” Olu Brown

“You may not even have a ticket yet, get a passport anyway because God is taking you somewhere.” Olu Brown

“People are going to talk about you anyway, so just go ahead and live your life. Don’t let fear keep you from living!” Olu Brown

“There are some people that are more intense about a football game than they are about there own destiny. We only get one life to live.” Olu Brown

“Our world is OK with average and mediocrity but God says Hell No, I didn’t create you to be average & mediocre.” Olu Brown

“When you’re serving God, you’re the greatest threat to the enemy.” Olu Brown

“Jesus is not a milk and cookie Jesus. He was a Radical & Revolutionary Leader.” Olu Brown

“Jesus lived his life without a seat belt, he didn’t live trying to be safe.” Olu Brown


no perfect people allowed (3)


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