A letter from Pastor Ronnie to Out Of The Box WC – September 22nd, 2013

praying over baptismal waters

Sunday September 22nd was an AWESOME day at OOTBWC. The message was the 2nd in our new series “What’s The Price?” and the topic was Baptism. Not only did we talk about Baptism we actually baptized Nicklaus Alexander.

We had 273 Awesome people in worship with us. I said to my 6-year-old Samuel on Sunday afternoon, “We had 273 people in church this morning” to which Samuel responded, “273 people in that one little church.” I love my kids and I love the people God has called me to lead and shepherd. Every Sunday morning is a Joy but to be honest the real Joy that I experience as your pastor is the fruit of discipleship that I see throughout the week.

Just this past week a college student brought their tithe to the church during the week to be sure that it was given from the first part of their income. This past week I had many conversations with people who are growing in their faith and that is always HUGE.

God is doing a great work, both in and through His people at a place called Out Of The Box. I am just glad to be a part of what God is doing. The ministry is growing and new people are coming every week. I would love for you to become a member and or to become more involved. Your church needs more people to be the hands and feet of Christ. We have places to serve in our children’s ministry, in our worship team, our greeters and hospitality ministry and so many other places. Lets talk and see where it is God wants you to be serving in your church.

Remember these things from the message.

Baptism is more than getting wet.

Baptism is more than an outward sign of an inward commitment.

Baptism comes with Spiritual Power.

There is no need to be re-baptized because God does the work in baptism that cannot be undone.

In your baptism you take a public stand with Christ.

You are baptized into Christs death.

And you are raised to New Life in your baptism.

Remember your baptism and be thankful.

Pastor Ronnie

Jay and Brandon in worship

Ronnie Baptizinf Niclaus Alexander

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