Book Notes: What Happens In Vegas Stays On YouTube

what happens in vegas

I have read each of Erik’s books and all of them are really well written and interesting enough to keep your attention. His field of expertise is in the social media realm and this book focuses on the fact that “Privacy Is Dead.”

Gone  are the days when people can get by with almost anything and now are the days where almost anything we do is likely to be caught on camera, posted to twitter and facebook, or sent as an instagram. The old saying, “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” is a phrase of the long gone past.

We could argue whether this is a good or bad thing but we have to accept it is 2014. It is happening and I am sure most of us have in some way experienced a time when we wanted or expected privacy but soon found out that someone had captured whatever it was and posted it on social media formats.

In this new book Erik helps those who are interested to understand the lay of the social media land and how to maneuver the landmines and actually excel in today’s technology driven world. How to find the best available jobs, and how to connect with the people who can help you along the way.

There is wisdom to be found for secular organizations, churches, families, and individuals. There are some rules of the road that will help you to make the best of a great opportunity. Our world today is about connection and so many people have been unwilling to embrace a new way of connecting to others but in today’s world we no longer have a choice of, will we use social media but rather how will we use social media.

“Research indicates that 92% of children under the age of two already have a digital posting about them.”

“What happens offline stays online.”

“Privacy is dead. Reputations are dying. Don’t let it happen to your company, your team, or your family. You need to turn this potential liability into leadership, and you need to start today.”

“Whether you are a schoolteacher, senator, CEO, soccer mom, coach or pastor, you must understand the new rules of today’s transparent society.”

“The explosion of mobile and social technologies means that we have to live as if our mother, boss, coach and enemies are watching us…because they are.”

“Success is a choice in this digital age, but we only have this choice if we understand the new rules. Why 36 rules? Because there are 36 numbers on a roulette table and if you don’t understand these rules then you are truly playing Russian roulette with your future.”

I gave it 5 stars for its common sense and practical advice.


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