#restart16 – Twenty Eight Day Challenge

Restart16 -

“Be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

 Today we offered a challenge that I believe will change your life, if you accept it. The challenge is to “Make a Pause” each day for the next 28 days, to read the Bible and pray. We’re not asking for the rest of your life, simply 28 days. Offer the first 10 or 15 minutes of each day to reading and praying and we believe that God will change your life for the better.

We are all busy, me included, but we cannot afford to neglect the love of our lives. If you are a follower of Jesus then He is the love of your life. Nobody, not even your mother and father will ever love you like God loves you. It’s time that we get to know who God is and how God acts, by reading the love letter He has left for us.

The average reader can read the Bible from cover to cover in one year by simply reading 10 minutes a day. Just remember the task at hand is not just to get through the Bible, but reading so that the Bible can get through you.

We honestly believe if God is at the center of our lives then our lives will be better. We will experience more peace, more joy, and more of every blessing that God has offered to us. The problem is, most people don’t even know what those blessings are, because we have not read through the scriptures.

In Psalm 46 God instructs us to “make a pause.” In the midst of mayhem and chaos, make a pause and seek Him.

I hope that you will join us in the challenge. Each morning for the next 28 days I will post thoughts and inspirations from my morning prayer and reading time as an encouragement to you. You can bookmark this page and check it each day of sign up to receive each new post in your email.

Let’s take this journey together and see where it leads.

One final thought, you don’t have to be a Christian for prayer to change your life. Simply speak what is on your heart and mind, whatever it is, God can take it, He has big shoulders. Talk about the needs in your life and ask for guidance as you read and see what happens. If I am right and there is a God, you will be amazed.

Pastor Ronnie


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