Removing Church Signs: Follow-up

Hey, I am happy. My blog on getting rid of church signs has garnered a lot of response. So, here is a follow-up to that blog to let you know where I am coming from.

I agree with many of you who have said that at times church signs get my attention and make me think and somehow draw me to prayer or reading the Bible for further information. I like the signs that give you information like that.

Howevere, I drive through the neighborhoods where I have lived for 43 years, within a 100 mile radius. I read signs like:

“Come worship with us, We serve the one true God”

“We are a Bible Believing church”

“Free trip to heaven-details inside”

“God cares about you”

“Will your eternal home be smoking or non smoking?”

” Accept Jesus Christ or prepare to take the heat”

“Don’t wait for the hearse to take you to church”

The best restaurants in town need no sign to attract people, satisfied customers will lead people to that place. When I drive up and down the road I seldom stop at a store because of a sign that I see telling how great they are, clean restrooms (yeah right). When I am looking for a good place to buy running shoes I listen to others who run and go where they find the best. It is the same way with the church. We need to be about the business of living the Christian life. If we are making a difference in our communities people will come to our meeting place because of satisfied customers, not because of the sign out front that many churches use as a jabbing tool.

By the way, I don’t expect anyone to get rid of their sign but if I ever start a church and have a choice there will only be asign that announces who we are as a group, nothing elaborate, and maybe not even that.


One comment on “Removing Church Signs: Follow-up

  1. April 7, 2009 faithengineer

    I’m with you. I would challenge Christians to look at those signs from a non-Christian perspective. What you may think is cute and funny, may actually turn people away from your church. Or even worse, it may turn people away from Christ. We need true authenticity and love, not just a cute sign. thanks for sharing


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